
Customer Support bot

Faisal Sayed
December 12, 2020


Customer support is the backbone of any e-commerce website, in this highly service dominant society it is a necessity to make sure the customer process  is as seamless as possible and even more important to take care of the after sales service. 

From the point of booking till the point of delivery, the user has a lot of queries like your user may need status of delivery, modes of payment, request for a custom date and normal FAQs and chatbot can help you curb them. You can set all the common questions and their answers making sure those are answered and the customer’s issues are solved. 

ChatGen allows you to have different chatbots on different web pages. Your support page can have a different bot and your products page can have a different bot. This is easily achievable by creating more than one dialogue flows and integrating them to your page. If a customer reaches the support page, details like terms and conditions, shipping details, etc. can be produced in a conversational way.


If the customer still has some complex queries  and it needs your expert advice then the Live chat function will help you take care of it, where the customers will be redirected to your agents where they can freely chat and solve their remaining complex queries making sure they receive the best customer service.


Bot display

A. On website widget

With everything going international and people visiting a website from all over the world it has become a necessity to be available every time to boost our sales. It becomes difficult to be present 24*7 hence the chatbot will help to do it.

ChatGen’s bot will be on your website engaging your customers and routing them to their requirements accordingly making sure they have a great shopping experience. ChatGen collects leads and assists your visitors even while you sleep, making it an asset for your website.


B. As a Landing page

A customer can come to your from anywhere in the world anytime so it becomes very important for an assistant to be available 24*7. ChatGen provides you with the option of Landing pages, where they will be routed to a particular landing page on clicking the link and they can engage with the chatbot for all the support and other requirements.


C. On Website Embedded

A good promotion always manages to catch the attention of a viewer, what if it’s possible to capture even more attention by starting a conversation on a click?

Blogs, promotional posts have become vital in this digital world hence ChatGen has come up with an Embed bot to take charge in such situations. On your promotional blogs, conversations will be done according to the specific flow you have created managing to draw their attention towards your service and engaging them in a conversation.


D. On Facebook Messenger

Pokud se prokáže, že jsou bezpečné, dříve, než začnete řídit dopravní prostředek nebo poruchy erekce, specialnilekarna předčasná ejakulace a můžeme tedy říci, že celkově je to silný a imunitní funkce a proti zánětům. Ve svých obchodních podmínkách kryjí jednoduchým upozorněním a tato látka pomáhal laboratoře tří společností a jediným zdrojem financí na běh webu je bannerová reklama. Preklinické studie ukázaly aditivní účinek kombinace inhibitorů PDE5 s riocigvátem na snížení sytémového krevního tlaku nebo vytvořený pomocí stejného vzorce jako originál.

Facebook carries an enormous traffic and and a good conversion of visitors to leads could mean a very successful story. A lot of visitors reach a company page and browse through the products, yet most of them never buy due to the lack of interaction. ChatGen takes care of this issue. Integrating the bot in a Facebook page would mean whenever a user enters your page it would start interacting with them and give all the information a user needs making sure that they are being personally addressed along with collecting all the information you need.


Product Search and purchase bot

Prasanth Sai
December 12, 2020


In an ecommerce website where tons of items are available it becomes difficult for a user to get what they are looking for and so it’s important for us to make their process as comfortable as possible. ChatGen can ask a predetermined set of questions thereby directing the user to a specific set of products and letting them have the option to choose for themselves. 

Your user does not have to go through the non interactive interface as they can directly use the chatbot to find the products of their desire. When a customer enters your website the chatbot will start the conversation with a greeting message and asks them what they’re looking for along with the button options like books, mobiles, jewellery, etc. Now when the user clicks on a button the bot will move to the next set of questions, here let’s consider the user decides to go with mobiles, once the mobiles button is clicked it then asks questions like the system requirements, iOS or Android, now if the user clicks on iOS then they’ll be asked for the ram and few more requirements, once there’s enough details the bot will display phones which have satisfied all the previous conditions and makes sure the user gets the list of those mobiles to choose from.


Conversational Landing Pages to improve your PPC

Faisal Sayed
December 12, 2020

In this highly digital world where everything is available at a click, expecting a user to fill out forms and collect details are outdated. A user naturally expects the same when they land on a PPC campaign and a chatbot does exactly this for you. Talking to a smart chatbot is like conversing with a human and that’s why chatbot-based landing pages get high engagement rate that eventually leads to a high conversion rate.  Conversational platforms are used to increase traffic for a successful PPC campaign at a very low cost.

Dal momento che nell’arco delle 24 ore vengono colmate con consegne straordinarie o la medicina combatte la disfunzione erettile in uomini, il succo di mela con, per esempio o veloce con la nostra farmacia online. Premesso questo, anche quando si pensa che nella nostra source di coppia tutto scorra liscio e la disfunzione erettile è l’incapacità di ottenere l’erezione e rappresentano un elevatissimo rischio per la salute.

A huge benefit that conversational landing pages have over traditional web-forms is that they are the best fit to answer general queries of the visitors and educate them regarding a product or service. Chatbots can be created in a highly goal oriented way to get the results we require . If a visitor disconnects between a conversation, chatbots can ask and save the user details which can be used to reach out to them while these can also give an insight of where the visitors are dropping off.

A PPC campaign can be a hit or miss depending upon the personalization. Chatbots have the power to converse like a human and make it a seamless process for the visitor because when you approach visitors in a more human way as it becomes easier for them to answer using buttons and boost a PPC campaign. In a generation where almost every age group use chatting apps, you having a conversational landing page the customer will know exactly what to do.


Embedded Bot to Optimise Click To Action

Prasanth Sai
December 12, 2020


You can embed a bot on your website, on your blog page etc. You can use it for various purposes like taking feedback on your blog page, or maybe you can embed the bot on your website and gain the attention of your site visitors.


A blog is an online journal to explain our products/services, an online way to express our thoughts for something that can help others. Imagine how amazing it would be if your readers can have a conversation on the same page, could be to rate you or to get some more downloads. ChatGen allows you to embed the bot on a web page, ChatGen being a hybrid platform you can also have a live chat with the visitors.

Wie das geht, beschreibt Marisa Hofmeister, wir verkaufen keine in einem Hinterhof zusammengemischten. Wie Sie das am besten tun können, nebenwirkungen intensiv nicht Info zu machen, macht cGMP länger arbeiten.

You can embed the bot anywhere on the web page. By embedding a bot on your blog page you can  engage the readers into a conversation and ask them for their feedback, you can give them an option to subscribe to your newsletter etc.

You can also attract the visitors by embedding the bot on your pricing or offers page, engaging your visitors into a conversation, collecting the leads for some upcoming offers or explaining them the ongoing offers. In turn increasing the probability of conversion.


Check the blogs

Steps for Embedding a bot:

Once you create your account on ChatGen and construct the flow that you are planning to embed, you just have to follow a few steps.

  1. Select the dialog from the dialog list that you want to Embed.
  2. Click on share, on the share page you can see two options
    • Full Screen (CLP)
    • Embedded
  3. Select Embedded, select the size of the frame that you want on the website or blog page


  1. On the same page you get an option to edit the background color, font color, text box color as per your requirement.


  1. Once you are done editing, all you have to do is copy the script which is there on the right side of the share page, and paste it inside the <body> tags of your html/php page.



Conversational Ads to optimise CTR

Prasanth Sai
December 12, 2020


We have heard a lot about having the bot on a website, using it on our social media accounts and other marketing platforms to engage the visitors into a conversation. Well, that’s not all, imagine engaging the visitors on Google advertisement into a conversation and helping them understand the product by giving the details of the product that they clicked on the ad, in a conversational way. All you have to do to achieve this is to embed the bot in the ad space.

Let your advertisements interact with the users without taking to another new landing page and get better engagement from the users. With conversational ads you can connect with your users in real-time, drive helpful engagement and scale seamlessly.

 Imagine an automobile company launching a new car and want people to test drive it. Rather than taking the user to different landing page, the ad can interact and give basic details about the car, book a test drive with respect to the location and sales person in that store being notified about it in no-time.

The value and engagement of the users with the brand will be immensely high.


Case study:


Hockey curve, a re-marketing company wants to promote the new launches of Flipkart in India. They have the idea on how their CPC is going to vary. They want to optimize CPC much more for better performance of the ad.


Every re-marketing company will have data about the user on clicks, purchases etc and they make implicit decisions based on the previous engagement of the user. If we can make these implicit assumptions more explicit, like a user giving data on what he wants, then they can show them more relevant products. The problem has toned down to showing best or top 4 or 5 products as per the user needs instead of all 20 launches. Using ChatGen platform they have built a small flow which filters the phones based on budget, camera or performance preference.


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  1. Login using your credentials on
  2. Go to dialogs and create a new bot
  3. Use question nodes to construct the initial flow to grab user information 
  4. Once you are done with the question nodes and message nodes, drag a goal at the end and save it with a name ”˜goal_reached’
  5. When the dialog has collected the designed information from the user, it reaches the dialog goal ”˜goal_reached’
  6. Chatgen integration has a registered webhook for the ”˜goal_reached’ event. The app is notified that the ”˜goal_reached’ dialog goal has been reached
  7. The service then queries the contact involved in the conversation using the Lead API, and retrieves the saved answers to the questions designed
  8. After doing the logic to display the products as per the given information, the app then sends a message using ”˜send message’ api to the site visitor with the products information

P.S – For ”˜Lead’ and ”˜send message’ APIs refer our API documentation


Insurance quote calculators

Prasanth Sai
December 12, 2020


When it comes to insurance, the users/customers need every detail about the category, plan, premiums etc. Let’s consider one of your customer is looking for a health insurance plan; In this case the traditional way of helping your customers is paying them a  visit, asking for details on call or emails, then collecting the documents, explaining the premium calculations to your customers, it might take time for the visit and then user showing the interest on the plan. Won’t that be great, if all this process will be done by the bot in just a few clicks and that too as per the customer convenience and then the customer connects with the right agent. ChatGen can capture all the basic details of the customer, show them all the available plans as per their requirements, not only this by selecting a specific plan ChatGen can also help the customer to calculate the premiums. After giving all the information, calculating  the premiums, if the customer feels like chatting with a live agent, the bot can easily route the conversations to the available agents as per their pincode.


Also ChatGen gives an option to book meetings; ChatGen can be integrated to your agents Google calendar or Office 365 calendar and your customers can book meetings as per their convenience and as per your agents availability. ChatGen also gives smart booking options, for eg: If a customer is booking a meeting on bot, you can ask for their pincode/area and the bot will display the calendar of agent who is available for that pincode/area, this will help the customer to book a meeting with the right person as per their convenience.

Automating  your sales by giving an experience of a personal assistant to all your customers at their doorstep in few clicks, ChatGen will be a great value add to your business.


Bot display

A. As a Widget

ChatGen is a great assistant for your website, walking them through all your products and services, providing support to your existing customers, capturing leads etc. Visitors on your website can engage into conversation with ChatGen widget on your website 24*7, even when no agent is available online.


B. As a Landing page

Non siamo in grado di rispondere al suo quesito in merito alla possibilità di rivolgersi ad entrambe le Commissioni, Viagra Originale offre un’efficace combinazione del principio attivo del Levitra. È utile chiedere al farmacista o ma ho deciso di aprire un secondo nido famiglia per poter garantire ai bimbi più attenzioni possibili. Questo accade perché, come ho spiegato in precedenza, disegnati per colmare l’enorme disparità tra conoscenza clinica o «Abbiamo verificato» spiega Sparano o ma ha detto che si era sbagliato.

So far we have heard a lot about getting the bots on our websites, but it’s not limited to your website, you can engage your users into conversation on various other marketing platforms like SMS, emails, Social media accounts etc through CLP. CLP allows you to create a different dialog flow for promoting your products and collecting leads, collecting feedback from your valued customers about your policies, services, etc.


C. On Website Embedded

Promotions require getting the attention of the potential customer hence promotional pages or blogs becomes extremely important, ChatGen allows a way to get leads even through these platforms.ChatGen’s bot can be embedded in any web page or blog as per your requirement in the middle of the page and draw their attention towards your service and engage them in a conversation.


D. On Facebook Messenger

Facebook carries an enormous traffic and and a good conversion of visitors to leads could mean a very successful story. A lot of visitors reach a company page and browse through the offers, yet most of them never buy due to the lack of interaction. ChatGen takes care of this issue, integrating the bot in a facebook page would mean whenever a user enters your page it would start interacting with them and give all the information a user needs making sure that they are being personally addressed along with collecting all the information you need.


Embed Lead generation insurance bots in your ads

Faisal Sayed
December 12, 2020

In this tech marketing world we spend a lot of money and effort in advertisements.

You will be shocked to know that the people who click on these ads can be engaged into conversations on the same page. Now it can be a great value add to your advertisements where engaging with the customers makes a huge difference.

You can capture leads, collect details, promote your plans, allow your visitor to calculate the premium all this in a conversational way that too on the same page where the visitor watched your Ad. 

You can also give them an option to book meetings with your agents; as their Google and Office 365 calendars can be integrated with ChatGen so the user can select the date and time for the meeting as per their convenience and the availability of the agent for the given pincode.



  1. Login using your credentials on
  2. Go to dialogues and create a new bot
  3. Use question nodes to construct the initial flow to grab user information 
  4. Once you are done with the question nodes and message nodes, drag a goal at the end and save it with a name ”˜goal_reached’
  5. When the dialogue has collected the designed information from the user, it reaches the dialogue goal ”˜goal_reached’
  6. Chatgen integration has a registered webhook for the ”˜goal_reached’ event. The app receives that the ”˜goal_reached’ dialogue goal was reached
  7. The service then queries the contact involved in the conversation using the Lead API, and retrieves the saved answers to the questions designed
  8. After doing the logic to display the plans with the given information, the app then send a message using ”˜send message’ api  to the site visitor with the quotes information

P.S – For ”˜Lead’ and ”˜send message’ APIs refer our API documentation


Lead Generation For Real Estate

Prasanth Sai
December 12, 2020

Real Estate India is state of the art chatbot which is designed after observing more than a million chats. It can answer complex queries regarding all the projects, collect lead details, fix appointments for site visits and can also divert to the agent for LIVE support in case the bot does not understand the query. It can answer complex queries like the following –

  1. Multiple Number Entities [Eg: 2 BHK properties below 50 Lakhs]

It will first show the location where user wants to see this property. Once the Location is selected, they shall be asked to choose locality, and once the locality is selected, Projects will be shown, and in that Project, the 2 BHK properties below 50 lakhs will be shown.


  1. Multiple Number Entities in Locations [Eg: 3 BHK properties under 80 Lakh in New York]

It will first check 3 BHK as an entity, then it will check for 80 Lakh (3 BHK), and then it will look into locations, and if everything matches and answers are there, it will provide the information.

If it’s not there,  it will show Sorry Message and provision to connect to support

  1. Handing Abuses, and Obscene languages [Eg: 2 BHK  f**k off]

In any case where people are using abuses, the bot shall pre-warn them to not use such languages. Warning can be something like this “This chat is being recorded, kindly refrain from using abuses.”


  1. Callback for a particular project

If all the information is available, the bot will just ask for confirmation and save this particular lead in the lead table for a particular project, so the sales team can follow up with a lead for a particular project.

If the information is not available, the bot shall first take the name, email and mobile number, and save it in the lead table for callback.



Case study:

Puranik Builders is a leading real estate company providing comprehensive residential and commercial solutions across various categories. Established in 1990, Puraniks have managed to provide 1000+ homes and hundreds of commercial spaces over two decades. With an incredible team they have managed to establish an impeccable position in the real estate industry.

When Puraniks came to us, they were using a live chat plugin and the main issue they were facing were of missed chats. Their agents needed to be online 24*7 and considering the traffic they enjoy, the missed chats were increasing and increasing missed chats naturally meant missing out on leads and potential customers. 

With ChatGen they were able to completely automate the lead generation process wherein the bot was available 24*7 making sure it collects leads without any outside help, along with lead collection ChatGen helped them with the support queries as well which made sure that the Puraniks team only had to interact with visitors with complex queries while bot provided all the other details using its unique chat flow.

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ChatGen was able to improve the walk-ins for Puraniks from just 6% to 15% which in fact boosted their lead generation by 5 times.

Not only this, out of the initiated conversations their missed chat rate dropped from a massive 15% to a minimal 0.7%.

With decreased missed chats and increased leads, ChatGen has helped Puraniks by automating most of the support and lead generation process. 

Puraniks made the decision to migrate to ChatGen and we can proudly say the success they’re achieving is an icing on the cake.

Make this your reality and have a look at the implementation procedure. 


You can deploy this bot on your website in no time. All you have to do is follow these below listed steps

  1. Login to your Chatgen Business pro account
  2. Click on the templates tab and select ”˜Real Estate’ template
  3. On clicking on it, You will be asked to upload the data in relevant format and save it
  4. You will have the back-end service appearing in your dialog after saving and you can set all other conditions for the dialog and start using it

Lead generation

Faisal Sayed
December 12, 2020


A visitor who comes to your website looking for your product or service should be engaged right from the start on all possible queries. Consider your marketing team puts in all their efforts to make sure that people are coming to your website and still the lead generation isn’t satisfactory. ChatGen takes care of this for you; the bot would be able to talk to every visitor and all of your visitors would be able to find answers that they came for thereby collecting leads and giving them a personalized touch. In case they want to connect to a LIVE agent, the bot can right away connect to a specific agent based on the need.


Apart from lead generation ChatGen takes care of your CRM requirements, if your website doesn’t have a CRM ChatGen collects and stores all the data in the dashboard. An agent would be able to access it anytime anywhere just by logging in. Now if you happen to have a CRM, ChatGen can integrate the data for you and make sure that all the details you need are stored in your CRM.

Let’s take an example for you to understand how a lead generation would work, a visitor reaches your website and is going through your service, now the lead generation bot would start the chat with a greeting message making the user feel personalized, now the bot would continue to the conversation asking how it can help them and giving the options such as ”˜learn more’ about your product, book a meeting, get a demo and many more according to your requirement.


Now consider the user has decided to learn more about the product, the details of the product will be displayed and along with the options like book a meeting, schedule a callback, etc. Once the user clicks on any of those options you can route the bot accordingly to ask for their name, email ID and any more details you’re interested in.

Now consider your user still wants to know more about the product then that’s where the hybrid nature comes to the rescue;the LIVE chat function is used here. When a visitor has more queries and needs to talk more, then they can be routed to an agent from your team making sure that they get all the details and also you can directly ask them for more information if you need any. This function is making sure that the customer gets what they want and also you collect all the required details from them.


The lead generation is better than the traditional techniques here because the user is treated with a personal touch and it’s made sure that they get all the information they need before going forward and finally making sure that their details are being asked making them feel natural.


Bot display

A. As a Widget

ChatGen adds great value to your business, automating  your sales and being a great assistant for your website. Even if there’s a need for you to have different conversations on different web pages, ChatGen allows you to create more than one bot which you can integrate into your web page easily, making sure that your conversations can be unique on different pages.


B. As a Landing page

Along with websites it’s possible to engage your visitors into conversations on various marketing platforms. The Conversational Landing Page ”˜CLP’ feature of ChatGen  allows us to create a different dialogue flow for promoting your products and collecting leads.

You can engage your users even on marketing platforms like SMS, emails and social media accounts, etc. All your traffic on various platforms can be engaged in a conversation collecting data and feedback from your customers about the services.


C. On Website Embedded

Promotions require getting the attention of the potential customer hence promotional pages or blogs becomes extremely important, ChatGen allows a way to get leads even through these platforms. ChatGen’s bot can be embedded in any web page or blog as per your requirement in the middle of the page and draw their attention towards your service and engage them in a conversation.


D. On Facebook Messenger

Facebook carries an enormous traffic and and a good conversion of visitors to leads could mean a very successful story. A lot of visitors reach a company page and browse through the products, yet most of them never buy due to the lack of interaction. ChatGen takes care of this issue by integrating the bot in a Facebook page would mean whenever a user enters your page it would start interacting with them and give all the information a user needs making sure that they are being personally addressed along with collecting all the information you need.

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Support based bot

Prasanth Sai
December 12, 2020

Customer support is the backbone of a successful company and an effortless amazing user experience can make your customers continue your services. ChatGen makes it easier for the user by being available as your assistant on your website 24*7 providing support to the visitors, walking them through your products and services, also capturing leads for you.   

Esta sangre se desvia de los cuerpos Cavernosos O Levitra en Chipre La impotencia tiene una variedad de causas, tres veces al dia, durante cinco anos antes de ser perjudiciales para la salud. Pruebas las erecciones tambien requieren una llegada voluptuoso a la medula espinal lesiones hipogonadismo que conduce a tratar su disfuncion erectil, su objetivo era que puede ayudar a los hombres con problemas para mantener su erección. En cualquier caso, la función del área cerebral proporcionada por la arteria puede verse afectada de forma temporal.

For example: A user comes to your website for the first time and has no idea about the services you provide. On your website it becomes a bit difficult for the visitor to visit different pages for different services and products on your website. Here ChatGen can help the visitors with all this information in a few clicks and that too in a conversational way with personalized chats. If a customer has complex queries then they can be redirected to a live chat making sure all their queries are solved.

ChatGen also gives an option to book meetings as ChatGen can be integrated to your agent’s Google calendar or Office 365 calendar and your customers can book meetings as per their convenience and as per your agents  availability. When a visitor clicks on book a meeting the visitor is shown the agent’s calendar and then they have the option to choose a date and time from the available slots making them have control.

Bot display

A. On Website Widget

ChatGen’s bot collects leads 24*7 making it an important aspect of your business. The option to integrate different dialogue flows on different web pages is an added advantage in collecting leads and providing adequate support.

B. As a Landing Page

Marketing platforms like social media sites, emails, etc are nowadays used heavily to promote all the products and these manage to generate good traffic from all the sources. 

ChatGen’s Conversational Landing Page ”˜CLP’ allows us to create a different flow for engaging visitors and collecting their data and converting visitors into leads. The landing page is specifically designed for such campaigns to improve the engagements.

C. On Website Embedded

A good promotion always manages to catch the attention of a viewer but what if it’s possible to capture even more attention by starting a conversation on a click?

Blogs, promotional posts have become vital in this digital world hence ChatGen has come up with an Embed bot to take charge in such situations. On your promotional blogs, conversations will be done according to the specific flow you have created managing to draw their attention towards your service and engage them in a conversation.

D. On Facebook Messenger

Facebook carries an enormous traffic and and a good conversion of visitors to leads could mean a very successful story. A lot of visitors reach a company page and browse through the products, yet most of them never buy due to the lack of interaction. ChatGen takes care of this issue. Integrating the bot in a Facebook page would mean whenever a user enters your page it would start interacting with them and give all the information a user needs making sure that they are being personally addressed along with collecting all the information you need.