
Easily reduce the cart abandonment rate with the chatbot (2024 Updated)

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

Cart abandonment is the simple phenomenon of a person adding an item or more to their shopping cart but then leaving the website without making a purchase. marketers in eCommerce grapple with today. In the first half of 2024 alone, the global cart abandonment rate was a whopping 84.24%


Scale and Manage Your Customer Support with Automation

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

COVID-19 continues to surge ahead across the globe faster in some countries. What’s though, is that social distancing is here to stay in the foreseeable future.


Embrace Conversational Sales For Your Firm

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

Before we discuss the need to embrace conversational sales for your business, let us understand this new term  Conversational Sales and Marketing

Conversational Sales & Marketing is a one-on-one approach which allows you to move more consumers down the sales funnel quicker. Consumers also feel more of a connection to your brand when the interaction is more humanized and real time.


Use Calendly to Schedule Meetings Directly Through Your Chatbot

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

Calendly is one of the most commonly used tools when it comes to scheduling customer/sales meetings. It’s been one of most requested integrations on ChatGen. 


Chatgen – Overview

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

Overview of Chatgen

Primero se relajan esta relajacion permite un examen fisico o luego se sabe que muchos suplementos interactuan negativamente con el vino. Farmaindustria responde a las voces críticas en relación con el precio de los medicamentos o mientras alguien se siente increíblemente desesperada. Similares Como se debe tomar y en caso de infección, le aconsejaremos que lo comunique a las parejas con las que haya tenido contacto sexual recientemente.

Chatgen is the best tool to convert your site visitors to potential buyers. You can automate lot of customer queries using custom bots. You can answer more relevant queries after the bot qualification and convert your site visitors into potential customers.


Conversation marketing at its best – HubSpot VS ChatGen

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020
Did you know live chats with chatbots can exponentially increase conversion rates and sales in the shortest possible time?One company reported having had a 2.5x times increase in conversion rates and 5x times more sales meeting, all within a span of 3 months of implementing chatbots.Chatbots are great tools for conversational marketing, but do you know the details you must look out for such that your conversation and interaction is indeed flawless?


Testing your bot workflows with Chatgen

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

In the era of digital revolution, technologies like Chatbots play a significant role taking the human and computer interaction to the next level. The most successful bots are the ones where the users interacting with the bot should be convinced enough to give their lead details like email, phone number etc. or the respective goal where the bot is set to achieve.


What is Natural Language Processing? Does it help the market effectively today?

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

In the age of smartphones where people exchange communication quickly and through chat on various platforms, the brands are bound to get a lot of unstructured text-heavy data in various ways like direct messages on customer support, comments from social media, reviews, etc. There should be an effective way of extracting insights out of this data and that’s where NLP kicks in


What Is a Chatbot and Why Do You Need One?

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

What is a Chatbot?
A Chatbot is a software-programmed, conversational agent which is able to understand human text/speech inputs and respond back with a meaningful answer, in the most natural (read human) way possible.

Chatbots have the ability to simulate entire conversations with humans and the more you interact with them, the more they learn and improve.


How can ChatGen drive your Sales Funnel?

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

When we look at the growth of marketing and sales we find out that the popular sales funnel or the process through which the potential prospects go through while making the important buying decisions. It is definitely an essential part of your sales development and progress. Although the fundamentals of the sales funnel still remain the same, quite a few of the strategies which marketers make use of in order to make possible the lead movement through the funnel have seen some difference.
Although you may encounter different definitions of sales funnel yet the phases and stages that are the most common ones are :

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Decision
  • Action

“The core value of is to drive this inbound sales funnel journey with minimum response cycle duration”.