
What is Artificial Intelligence or AI?

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

On March 24 2017, at Tempe ” Arizona a Self-driving Uber Volvo was involved in a crash with a human-driven Honda CRV. Luckily, no one was injured. Uber stopped its self-driving services immediately and launched an investigation. As per the reports, the Uber car was not at fault and it was following the rules of the road to perfection. Nevertheless, there were witnesses who observed that if there was a human behind the wheel, this incident could have been avoided.


Chatgen WordPress Integration

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

What’s Chatgen you ask?
Chatgen’s an advanced LIVE ChatBot platform where you have the power to build your ChatBot in minutes without any coding experience. Chatgen automates chats, qualify leads and also switches between Bot and live agents as per your requirements. With an easy integration process when it comes to WordPress this is the business enhancer you have been looking for.

Let’s take a look at the installation process-


Installing ChatGen with Google Tag Manager

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

GTM is used globally to track the tags used while marketing. Considering this, we are here to provide you with a detailed step by step description of how to track the ChatGen snippet for your marketing needs. Here, have a look at the steps below. 


ChatGen-Slack Integration

Prasanth Sai
December 9, 2020

Chatgen’s an advanced LIVE ChatBot platform where you have the power to build your ChatBot in minutes without any coding experience. With an easy integration process when it comes to Slack this is the business.

Slack-ing is in! Don’t understand? Okay, I’ll explain. Slack is a messaging application that has been specifically designed to serve as a replacement for email. Instead of the latter being the primary source of file and media sharing and communication among the employees of a company, the former plays that role.