
Live Chat Examples and Best Practices for 2024

Manoj Palanikumar
March 8, 2021

Live Chat Examples and Best Practices for 2024

March 8, 2021
by Manoj Palanikumar

You are browsing through an online nursery store, looking for a specific flowering plant to adorn your balcony. You use the website search function to look for it, but you are unable to find it. Your next instinct would be to contact the business directly to enquire if they have the plant. What if you can do that without having to take your phone, dial the number, greet the person, and then state your inquiry?

What is Live Chat and why you need it?

Live Chat is a medium that allows businesses to engage with customers in real-time. In the above example, you can simply click on the ”˜Chat with us’ button available on the webpage, and an agent will be available to assist you instantly, via messaging. You can state your question, and obtain answers without having to dial a number or talking to someone. The software that enables businesses to message customers in real-time is called live chat software.

63% of customers say they’re more likely to return to a website that has a live chat. (Furst Person)

Live Chat is extremely useful if you’re conducting your business online. You can capture leads, reduce bounce rates, interact with customers in real-time, and reduce cart abandonment rates. Customers can use live chat to get instant answers to their questions on a website. Marketing and sales teams can make use of live chat to collect and convert leads, and helpdesk teams can use live chat as a support tool to solve customer issues faster and better. 

Let’s now look at how you can effectively implement live chat on your website to serve different purposes.

Live Chat examples for Marketing 

It’s highly unlikely that you’ll be thinking of what software to buy for your business when you’re out grocery shopping. This is why contextual marketing is important, and live chat is one great way to turn your website visitors into customers.

A large number of your website visitors who might be potential buyers do not usually find their way to a contact form or demo request. This is where you can use live chat to display prompts and provide resources that prospects can use to know more about your product/service, eventually resulting in conversions.

Here’s an example of how you can use live chat for marketing:

Your website visitors usually land on a page and end up moving across your webpages for many reasons. Maybe they’re researching price points between you and your competitors. They might be looking at specific features and researching who offers it the best, and what other related features they can get along with it. 

The longer they stay and the more product-specific their searches get, the higher the chance that they’re looking to buy from you. It would be perfect if you can start a conversation with them at this point, nudging them on what you offer and the direction they should take. You can use live chat here to display simple messages like:

  • Hey! You’ve been checking us out for a while. Is there anything we can help you with?
  • We’re only a message away. Here are a few resources for you to check out (Add few related resources)
  • Hey there! Would you like to talk to us to understand what we offer?

You can offer a few simple options like below that lets them click on one, and this will help them through the purchasing funnel:

  • No, I’m just browsing.
  • I need help with the features that are available.
  • Show me the pricing.
  • Something else. 

You can set this up such that the bot shows more automated replies based on the visitor’s input, or you can allow them to ask for a live chat with an agent. 

Here’s how does it:

Live Chat examples for Sales

When it comes to using live chat for sales, being proactive is the key. You don’t want to be over-selling, but you can use a tone of language that naturally highlights the benefits of your product. One way to get your lead excited about your product is to share a link to an existing customer’s success story that will allow them to see how your product works.

Letting your leads know that the person on the other end (you) is human is important. People usually associate live chat with bots, so proactively reaching out and establishing that you’re human can work wonders. Add a short bio or introduce yourself in a friendly way so that visitors warm up to you. 

For example, if your website visitors are on the pricing page, you can display a pop-up message asking:

  • Hi! I’m <xxx>. Got any queries on our pricing?
  • Hey there! You’ve been with us for quite some time. Would you like to set up a call so that we can discuss pricing in detail?
  • Hello! I’m <xxx>. Looking for something specific? I can help you with your queries.

Here’s an example of how can help you use live chat to convert more leads:

Live Chat examples for Support

Live Chat is the preferred choice for many customers, and it has the highest customer satisfaction level of any support channel. 

Providing support through live chat on your website helps your customers talk to you from right where they are. They don’t have to visit a new page or download a contact form, they can simply click on the chat icon available on every page of your website. This ease of access reduces customer effort (Link to customer services KPIs blog), an important factor in building customer loyalty. 

Customers don’t like to be treated just like any other ticket, and live chat is one way that can help you provide instant support. Good live chat software will help agents find out where the customer is in the process and what they were doing before asking for help.

Live Chat will help you provide automated responses based on customer inputs. For example, consider a customer who has come to your website looking for their order status, and they ask “Where is my delivery?”. You can provide options like:

  • Enter your order number
  • Which order are you looking to track?
  • Provide your email address to help us track your order

Here’s how helps you provide intuitive customer support using live chat:

Live Chat is the future, and it is here to stay

Customers today expect instant responses, 24/7, and people want to talk to businesses on their own terms and on their preferred channel. Live chat can help you provide a great customer experience, be it 1:1 or through automated bot responses. It is now the ultimate way to connect with your customers contextually and in real-time, as and when they are checking out your product/service. 

With live chat, there’s no waiting to hear back on your ticket. No downloading contact forms. No emailing with a message. Just the best and instant experience possible for every visitor that comes your way.

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