We have heard a lot about having the bot on a website, using it on our social media accounts and other marketing platforms to engage the visitors into a conversation. Well, that’s not all, imagine engaging the visitors on Google advertisement into a conversation and helping them understand the product by giving the details of the product that they clicked on the ad, in a conversational way. All you have to do to achieve this is to embed the bot in the ad space.
Let your advertisements interact with the users without taking to another new landing page and get better engagement from the users. With conversational ads you can connect with your users in real-time, drive helpful engagement and scale seamlessly.
Imagine an automobile company launching a new car and want people to test drive it. Rather than taking the user to different landing page, the ad can interact and give basic details about the car, book a test drive with respect to the location and sales person in that store being notified about it in no-time.
The value and engagement of the users with the brand will be immensely high.
Case study:
Hockey curve, a re-marketing company wants to promote the new launches of Flipkart in India. They have the idea on how their CPC is going to vary. They want to optimize CPC much more for better performance of the ad.
Every re-marketing company will have data about the user on clicks, purchases etc and they make implicit decisions based on the previous engagement of the user. If we can make these implicit assumptions more explicit, like a user giving data on what he wants, then they can show them more relevant products. The problem has toned down to showing best or top 4 or 5 products as per the user needs instead of all 20 launches. Using ChatGen platform they have built a small flow which filters the phones based on budget, camera or performance preference.
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- Login using your credentials on app.chatgen.ai
- Go to dialogs and create a new bot
- Use question nodes to construct the initial flow to grab user information
- Once you are done with the question nodes and message nodes, drag a goal at the end and save it with a name ”˜goal_reached’
- When the dialog has collected the designed information from the user, it reaches the dialog goal ”˜goal_reached’
- Chatgen integration has a registered webhook for the ”˜goal_reached’ event. The app is notified that the ”˜goal_reached’ dialog goal has been reached
- The service then queries the contact involved in the conversation using the Lead API, and retrieves the saved answers to the questions designed
- After doing the logic to display the products as per the given information, the app then sends a message using ”˜send message’ api to the site visitor with the products information
P.S – For ”˜Lead’ and ”˜send message’ APIs refer our API documentation